Water and wastewater treatment management
INGOS Ltd. cooperates on construction of new and modernization of older wastewater treatment plants, water treatment plants and pumping stations.
As part of our wastewater treatment projects we deliver technological equipment, including LV and MV equipment, measurement and control for water lines, sewage and gas management, energy management.
We offer:
- Existing technological equipment audit
- New technical solution proposal
- Project documentation and project implementation
We offer mentioned activities in following fields:
Energy equipment
- Automatic control of technological installation - water line, sewage and gas management
- Automatic control of power equipment - MV and LV distribution, transformers, electrical protections
- LV switchboards for electrical appliances and motor distribution powering
- Control system switchboards, incl. own control system for various technological and energy equipment
- CCTV systems, electronic security system - ESS, EFAS, attendance system
In cooperation with leading technology companies we deliver:
Water lines - screens, sand catchers, screw pumping station, settling and sedimentation tanks, active tanks, blowers, compressors
Sewage and gas management - pumps, gas tanks, septic tanks, thickening and dewatering centrifuges, equipment for sludge loading and removal, CHP units, boilers, residual gas burners, pipeline routes