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Czech republic

Kleceny II, hydroelectric power station, in progress

Design and delivery of control system, LV and MV electrical equipment of the power plant of an output of 1 x 2,2 MVA.

Kadaň, hydroelectric power station, 2023

Design and delivery of control system, LV and MV electrical equipment for rehabilitation of power plant of an output of 1 x 2,15 MVA.

Meziboří, hydroelectric power station, 2022

Design and delivery of the control system for an output of 2 × 3,8 MW.

Nechranice, hydroelectric power station, 2021

Design and delivery of generator electric protections replacement, field instrumentation, revision of excitation system and erection of MV equipment 6,3 kV and 22 kV for an output of 2 x 6,25 MVA.

Modřany, hydroelectric power station, 2020

Design and delivery of modernization of control system and electric protections for an output of 3 x 500 kW.

Labe - Hradec Králové, hydroelectric power station, 2019

Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 3 × 250 kVA.

Štvanice, hydroelectric power station, 2019

Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 3 × 2100 kVA.

In September 2017 works leading to modernization of electrical part of hydropower plant Štvanice in Prague have begun.

Modernization of electrical part consists of replacement of main power transformer, station service transformers, back-up diesel generator, control system, electrical protections and static excitation systems for generators. Works also include renewal of civil wiring in powerhouse and modernization of auxiliary security systems, such as electrical fire protection system, electrical security system or CCTV.

Mentioned works are a part of modernization of hydro power plant's technological equipment, which will be taking place in stages for each unit independent, with the aim to minimize power outages and losses in electricity production. The completion of modernization is scheduled for mid-2019.

The Štvanice hydro power plant is in operation for more than hundred years. It was put into operation in 1914 and underwent reconstruction between years 1983 - 1987. Since then it is equipped with three direct-flow Kaplan turbines, each with rated power 1,89MW and synchronous generators.

Thanks to its neoclassical architecture, the powerhouse is now a indispensable part of Prague city panorama.   

We enclose two illustrative photographs, with kind permission of their author, Eliška Anna Kubičková:

Želivka, hydroelectric power station, 2018

Design and delivery of the control and protection system for an output of 1 x 600 kVA.

Klabava, hydroelectric power station, 2018

Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 x 250 kVA.

Brandýs nad Labem, hydroelectric power station, 2018

Design and supply of power plant automation and complete MV and LV equipment for an output of 3 × 1530 kVA.

Počaply, hydroelectric power station, 2017

Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 30 kVA.

Lobkovice, hydroelectric power station, 2016

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1265 kVA.

In September 2015 technical design of small hydropower plant Lobkovice rehabilitation started. The power plant went life in 1945, and two Kaplan turbines are installed in it, each with power output of 1025 kW. INGOS is engaged in this reconstruction as a supplier of electric part, providing medium and low voltage equipment, control system and house wiring.

The objective of this overhaul is optimization of using the hydroenergy potential of hydropower plant Lobkovice through modernizing technological equipment, aiming to achieve higher efficiency, reliability and durability of the equipment for environment friendly electric power production in the small hydropower plant. The reconstruction completion is scheduled for summer 2016.

Litice, hydroelectric power station, 2015

Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 1330 kVA.

MVE Libčice, hydroelectric power station, 2014

Rehabilitation of the control and protection system for an output of 2 x 2700 kVA.

Štětí, hydroelectric power station, 2014

Design and delivery of the control and protection system and low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 4000 kVA.

Podbaba, hydroelectric power station, 2014

Design and delivery of the control and protection system and  low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 820 kVA.

Lipno II, hydroelectric power station, 2014

Design and delivery of the control and protection system and  low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 375 kVA.

Nové Hamry, hydroelectric power station, 2014

Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 120kVA.

Tři Chaloupky, hydroelectric power station, 2013

Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 2000 kVA.

ORC Vodňany - Organic Rankine Cycle, 2013

Design and delivery of low-voltage electrical equipment, electrical protections and synchronization system of gas turbine for an output 1 × 720 kVA.

Litoměřice, hydroelectric power station, 2013

Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electro technological equipment for and output of 2 × 3800 kVA.

Pardubice, hydroelectric power station, 2012

Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 2450 kVA.

Smiřice, hydroelectric power station, 2012

Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 3200 kVA.

Římov, hydroelectric power station, 2011

Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of  1 × 800 kVA and 1 × 400 kVA.

Seč, hydroelectric power station, 2011

Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 3900 kVA.

Kunčina Ves, hydroelectric power station, 2009

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 37 kW and 1 × 207 kW.

Kostomlátky, hydroelectric power station, 2008

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1480 kVA.

Hradišťko, hydroelectric power station, 2008

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1160 kVA.

Wikov Wind, testing site, 2007

Delivery of the feeding technology of the testing site of wind turbines, 6 kV distributing station,  low-voltage distribution system, cabling.

Obříství, hydroelectric power station, 2007

Replace of the control system, shielding, wiring, design and delivery of control system and complete electrical equipment of low-voltage hydroelectric power station, power 2 × 1200 kVA.

Spálov, hydroelectric power station, 2007

Replace of the control system, shielding, wiring, design and delivery of control system and complete electrical equipment of low-voltage hydroelectric power station, power 2 × 1500 kVA.

Vraňany, hydroelectric power station, 2007

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 3125 kVA.

Pastviny, hydroelectric power station, 2006

Modernization of the control system for an output of 1 × 4000 kVA.

Přelouč, hydroelectric power station, 2005

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1200 kVA.

Želivka, hydroelectric power station, 2004

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 600 kVA.

Štvanice, hydroelectric power station, 2002/04

Post-flood repair of equipment in the electric part of the power station with an output of 3 × 1900 kVA, modernization of machine TG3.

Libčice, hydroelecttric power station, 2002/03

Delivery of complete equipment for the electric part of the power station with an output of 2 × 2500 kVA within a repair after the flood, including control system, protections, 22 kV power outlet.

Podbaba, hydroelectric power station, 2002/03

Delivery of complete equipment for the electric part of the power station with an output of 2 × 820 kVA within a repair after the flood, including control system, protections, 22 kV power outlet.

Potůčky, hydroelectric power station, 2003

Design and delivery of a control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 190 kVA.

Pastviny, hydroelectric power station, 2001

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 4000 kVA.

Kostelec nad Labem, hydroelectric power station, 2000

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electro technological equipment for an output of 3 × 770 kW.

Krhanice, hydroelectric power station, 1999

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electro technological equipment for an output of 2 × 200 kW.

Mohelno, hydroelectric power station, 1999

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electro technological equipment for an output of 1 × 600 kW.

Spálov, hydroelectric power station, 1998

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electro technological equipment for an output of 2 × 1200 kW.

Libčice, hydroelectric power station, 1997/98

Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electro technological equipment for an output of 2 × 2400 kVA.