INGOS Ltd. specializes in water turbines and hydroelectric power plants control systems, dams and weirs monitoring systems and SCADA systems software applications.
The START-SM digital governor is designed for all types of turbines and is supplied as part of the plant control system. The governor provides control of turbine hydraulic elements during its operation and shutdown, including the distributor - runner blades relationship (cam curve) for Kaplan turbines. The governor provides these main control options:
The signal interchange between governor and control system is performed via bus interface (e.g. Profibus, ModbusTCP). Besides signals and commands transmission there are also hardware binary inputs and outputs for emergency status signalization.
The governors cover also all necessities for diagnostics for all measurement equipment, stay vanes, runner blades, speed, flow and control actuators. The governor is equipped with a „watch-dog“ circuit monitoring function - during governor malfunction or when communication with the plant control system is lost, machine shutdown is executed.
The governor hardware is performed by industrial PLC.
The AVR-TENEL type TE-5301 and TE-5402 excitation microprocessor controllers provide excitation for all types of synchronous generators (brushless, with exciter, with static excitation) and all necessary control modes.
Our control systems provide:
The plant process station provides:
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