Design and delivery of digital turbine governor for an output of 1 x 1210 kVA.
Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for unit No. 5 and unit No. 6, unit output 124 MVA.
Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for unit No. 1, unit output 35 MVA.
Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for unit No. 3, unit output 30 MVA.
Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for unit No. 2, unit output 11.5 MVA.
Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for unit No. 1 and unit No. 2, unit output 26 MVA.
Design and delivery of the control system for an output of 1 × 16 MVA
Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 280 kVA.
Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 3 × 800 kVA.
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