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EnergoRea - Сильноточное оборудование и системы измерения и регулирования

Отдел EnergoRea предоставляет услуги в области проектирования, инжиниринга, поставок и монтажа. Отдел специализируется на сильнотчном оборудовании и на системах измерения и регулирования, в основном для гидроэнергетики, производства тепловой энергии, комбинированного производства электричества и тепла, управления очисткой сточных вод, причем не только в Чешской Республике, а во многих странах в целом мире.

В 1998 году отдел EnergoRea начал собственное производство распределительных шкафов низкого напряжения. Для пражского метро отдел поставляет технологическое оборудование, включая автоматизированные системы диспетчеризации, энергетики, а также технологии метро и программное обеспечение.

Кроме того, отдел обеспечивает гарантийное и послегарантийное обслуживание всего поставляемого оборудования и приборов. Предоставляется полное обслуживание технического оборудования строений, энергетических и тепловых систем, водопроводных и водохозяйственных сооружений, производственных и непроизводственных технологий и экологических сооружений.


Наши проекты в мире

Европа Чешская Республика, Словакия, Польша, Литва, Македония, Норвегия, Россия, Белоруссия, Греция, Болгария
Азия Турция, Грузия, Азербайджан, Индия, Филиппины, Индонезия, Япония
Африка Демократическая Республика Конго
Америка Перу, Мексика, Панама, Сальвадор, Коста-Рика , Боливия

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Развитие отдела EnergoRea

1995 создание фирмы INGOS s.r.o.
1997 возникновение отделов Energo и Rea, поставки предприятию общественного транспорта в Праге, центральным станциям очистки сточных вод в городах Прага, Плзень и других.
1998 начало самостоятельного производства распределительных шкафов
1999 поставки по заказам, в основном в Чешской Республике, начало проектной деятельности в областях энергетики
2002 расширение поставок после наводнения (в основном для центральной станции очистки сточных вод в Праге, в районе Троя),
и в связи с реконструкцией старых и строительством новых станций пражского метро
2003 постепенное расширение поставок по заказам в Европе и Африке
2005 начало поставок по заказам в Азию
2006 Награда - Лучшая водохозяйственная постройка года 2006 - малая ГЭС Враняны
2009 слияние отделов Energo и Rea в EnergoRea
2010 возрастание количества поставок в Европу, Азию и Латинскую Америку
2013 заказы в Чешской Республике, Перу, Мексике, Панаме, Сальвадоре, Азербайджане, Грузии, Греция, Турции, Белоруссии, России, Индонезии и Филиппинах
2015 20-летие компании INGOS s.r.o., новые заказы в Коста-Рике и Болгарии
2016 новые контракты в Боливии и Японии
2019 успешное выполнение других заказов в Чехии, Македонии, Грузии и Перу
2020 новые контракты в Чешской Республике, Грузии, Турции, Японии и Филиппинах


Отзывы - Энергетика




  • Polockaia, hydroelectric power station, 2017 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 5 × 4830 kVA
  • Grodnenskaia, hydroelectric power station, 2012 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 5 × 3950 kVA


Civil part - Design and construction of powerhouse (extension of existing powerhouse) and penstock

Mechanical part - Design and supply of horizontal Pelton turbine, generator with accessories, ball valves DN 800

Electrical part - Design and supply of complete HV, MV and LV equipment for an output of 1 × 18 MVA, design and supply power plant automation and SCADA system


Costa Rica

Czech Republic

  • Nechranice, hydroelectric power station, 2021 - Design and delivery of generator electric protections replacement, field instrumentation, revision of excitation system and erection of MV equipment 6,3 kV and 22 kV for an output of 2 x 6,25 MVA
  • Modřany, hydroelectric power station, 2020 - Design and delivery of modernization of control system and electric protections for an output of  3 x 500 kW
  • Labe - Hradec Králové, hydroelectric power station, 2019 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 3 × 250 kVA
  • Štvanice, hydroelectric power station, 2019 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 3 × 2100 kVA
  • Želivka, 2018 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system for an output of 1 x 600 kVA
  • Klabava, 2018 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 x 250 kVA
  • Brandýs nad Labem, hydroelectric power station, 2018 - Design and supply of power plant automation and complete MV and LV equipment for an output of 3 × 1530 kVA
  • Počaply, hydroelectric power station, 2017 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 30 kVA
  • Lobkovice, hydroelectric power station, 2016 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1265 kVA
  • Litice, hydroelectric power station, 2015 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 1330 kVA
  • MVE Libčice, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Rehabilitation of the control and protection system for an output of 2 x 2700 kVA
  • Štětí, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 4000 kVA
  • Podbaba, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and  low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 820 kVA
  • Lipno II, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and  low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 375 kVA
  • Nové Hamry, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 120kVA
  • Tři Chaloupky, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 2000 kVA
  • ORC Vodňany - Organic Rankine Cycle, 2013 - Design and delivery of low-voltage electrical equipment, electrical protections and synchronization system of gas turbine for an output 1 × 720 kVA
  • Litoměřice, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electro technological equipment for and output of 2 × 3800 kVA
  • Pardubice, hydroelectric power station, 2012 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 2450 kVA
  • Smiřice, hydroelectric power station, 2012 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 3200 kVA
  • Římov, hydroelectric power station, 2011 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of  1 × 800 kVA and 1 × 400 kVA
  • Seč, hydroelectric power station, 2011 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 3900 kVA
  • Kunčina Ves, hydroelectric power station, 2009 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 37 kW and 1 × 207 kW
  • Kostomlátky, hydroelectric power station, 2008 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1480 kVA
  • Hradišťko, hydroelectric power station, 2008 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1160 kVA
  • Wikov Wind, testing site, 2007 - Delivery of the feeding technology of the testing site of wind turbines, 6 kV distributing station,  low-voltage distribution system, cabling
  • Obříství, hydroelectric power station, 2007 - Replace of the control system, shielding, wiring, design and delivery of control system and complete electrical equipment of low-voltage hydroelectric power station, power 2 × 1200 kVA
  • Spálov, hydroelectric power station, 2007 - Replace of the control system, shielding, wiring, design and delivery of control system and complete electrical equipment of low-voltage hydroelectric power station, power 2 × 1500 kVA
  • Vraňany, hydroelectric power station, 2007 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 3125 kVA
  • Pastviny, hydroelectric power station, 2006 - Modernization of the control system for an output of 1 × 4000 kVA
  • Přelouč, hydroelectric power station, 2005 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1200 kVA
  • Želivka, hydroelectric power station, 2004 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 600 kVA
  • Štvanice, hydroelectric power station, 2002/04 - Post-flood repair of equipment in the electric part of the power station with an output of 3 × 1900 kVA, modernization of machine TG3
  • Libčice, hydroelectric power station, 2002/03 - Delivery of complete equipment for the electric part of the power station with an output of 2 × 2500 kVA within a repair after the flood, including control system, protections, 22 kV power outlet
  • Podbaba, hydroelectric power station, 2002/03 - Delivery of complete equipment for the electric part of the power station with an output of 2 × 820 kVA within a repair after the flood, including control system, protections, 22 kV power outlet
  • Potůčky, hydroelectric power station, 2003 - Design and delivery of a control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 190 kVA
  • Pastviny, hydroelectric power station, 2001 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 4000 kVA
  • Kostelec nad Labem, hydroelectric power station, 2000 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electro technological equipment for an output of 3 × 770 kW
  • Krhanice, hydroelectric power station, 1999 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electro technological equipment for an output of 2 × 200 kW
  • Mohelno, hydroelectric power station, 1999 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electro technological equipment for an output of 1 × 600 kW
  • Spálov, hydroelectric power station, 1998 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electro technological equipment for an output of 2 × 1200 kW
  • Libčice, hydroelectric power station, 1997/98 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electro technological equipment for an output of 2 × 2400 kVA

Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Lubilanji II, hydroelectric power station, 2006 - Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for an output of 3 × 1800 kVA
  • Lubilanji II, hydroelectric power station, 2003 - Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for an output of 3 × 1800 kVA

El Salvador

  • Chaparral U3, hydroelectric power station, in progress - Design and delivery medium-voltage electrical equipment and digital turbine governor for an output of 1 x 1210 kVA
  • Chaparral U1 & U2, hydroelectric power station, in progress - Design and delivery of digital turbine governor for an output of 2 x 36 MVA
  • Cucumacayán, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system, low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1700 kVA


  • Lajanuri TG3, hydroelectric power station, in progress - Design and delivery of control system and LV and MV electrical equipment after reconstruction of generator and turbine TG3 with output 46 MVA
  • Dzevrula TG2, hydroelectric power station, in progress - Design and delivery of control system and LV and MV electrical equipment after reconstruction of generator and turbine TG2 with output 25 MVA
  • Shaori TG1, TG2, TG3, hydroelectric power station, in progress  - Design and delivery of unit control system for an output of 3 x 13.2 MVA
  • Skhalta, hydroelectric power station, 2020 - Design and supply of power plant automation and complete LV and MV equipment for an output of 3 × 3131 kVA
  • Gumati TG2, hydroelectric power station, 2019 - Design and delivery of control system and LV electrical equipment after reconstruction of generator and turbine TG2 with output 13.75 MVA, total power of 4 × 13.75 MVA
  • Rioni TG2, hydroelectric power station, 2019 - Design and delivery of control system and LV and MV electrical equipment after reconstruction of generator and turbine TG2 with output 18.75 MVA, total power of 4 × 18.75 MVA
  • Chkhorotsku, hydroelectric power station, 2019 - Design and delivery of the control system for water intake for unit TG1 with an output of 3750 kVA
  • Lajanuri, hydroelectric power station, 2017 - Design and delivery of the control system of unit TG2 for an output of 1 × 46 MVA
  • Lajanuri, hydroelectric power station, 2016 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system of unit TG1 for an output of 1 × 46 MVA
  • Gumati TG4, hydroelectric power station, 2016 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system, and low-voltage electrical equipment  for the TG4 unit with an output of 1 x 13.75 MVA
  • Atsi, hydroelectric power station, 2016 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system, low-voltage, medium-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 x 13 MVA
  • Rioni, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Delivery of control system including digital turbine governor for a unit with an output of 18 MVA
  • Gumati TG1, hydroelectric power station, 2012 - Design and delivery of the control system of unit TG1 for an output of 1 × 15.9 MVA


  • MVE Ilarion, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and generator lead and neutral cubicles for an output of 1 x 4536 kVA


  • Patikari, hydroelectric power station, 2008 - Design and delivery of the digital turbine governors for an output of 2 × 11.5 MVA


  • Cilaki 1B, hydroelectric power station, 2018 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 3 × 4122 kVA
  • Pakkat, hydroelectric power station, 2016 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 8545 kVA
  • Parluasan, hydroelectric power station, 2012 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system, low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 2770 kVA
  • Amplegading, hydroelectric power station, 2010 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system, low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 6540 kVA
  • Kalumpang, hydroelectric power station, 2005 - Delivery of the control system hydro power plant for an output of 1 × 1800 kVA
  • Hanga-Hanga, hydroelectric power station, 2005 - Delivery of the control system hydro power plant for an output of 2 × 1540 kVA


  • Masudama, hydroelectric power station, 2021 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 600 kVA
  • S1 Shirataki, hydroelectric power station, 2015 - Design and supply of power plant automation, complete LV part and MV transformer for an output of 1 × 266 kVA



  • Kalimanci, hydroelectric power station, 2019 - Design, delivery and installation of HPP control system (PLC + SCADA), it is about complete renovation of the existing control and visualization system
  • Pena, hydroelectric power station, 2019 - Design, delivery and installation of HPP control system (PLC + SCADA), it is about complete renovation of the existing control and visualization system
  • Zrnovci, hydroelectric power station, 2009 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1100 kVA
  • Matka, hydroelectric power station, 2008 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 6000 kVA
  • Dosnica, hydroelectric power station, 2008 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 2200 kVA
  • Sapuncica, hydroelectric power station, 2008 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1600 kVA
  • Pesocani, hydroelectric power station, 2008 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1600 kVA
  • Pena, hydroelectric power station, 2007 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1600 kVA
  • Kalimanci, hydroelectric power station, 2006 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electro-technological equipment for an output of 2 × 7500 kVA



  • Skjelfoss, hydroelectric power station, 2011 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 250 kVA


  • Concepcion, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system for an output of 2 × 6300 kVA
  • Las Perlas Norte, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 5500 kVA
  • Las Perlas Sur, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 5500 kVA


  • Poechos 1, hydroelectric power station, 2019 - Design, delivery and installation of HPP control system (PLC + SCADA), it is about complete renovation of the existing control and visualization system
  • Rucuy, hydroelectric power station, 2016 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system, low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 11 MVA
  • Chancay, hydroelectric power station, 2016 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system, low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 11 MVA
  • SINERSA Control Centre, 2015 - Design and delivery of the control system for dispatch control centre of hydroelectric power stations Curumuy, Poechos 1, Poechos 2 a Chancay (total installed power output ca 65 MVA) including transmission of selected information and communication to distribution network control centre
  • Curumuy, hydroelectric power station, 2015 - Design and delivery of the control system, electric protection system and generator excitation system for an output of 2 × 7500 kVA
  • Poechos 2, hydroelectric power station, 2009 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 5400 kVA


  • Davao, hydroelectric power station, in progress - Design and delivery of the control system and complete MV and LV equipment for an output of 1 × 3030 kVA
  • Timbaban, hydroelectric power station, in progress - Design and supply of power plant automation and complete HV, MV and LV equipment for an output of 3 × 7862 kVA
  • FLS, hydroelectric power station, 2015 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system, low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 2400 kVA
  • Cabulig, hydroelectric power station, 2015 - Rehabilitation of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment after flood in 2014, for an output of 2 × 5700 kVA
  • Bubunawan, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system, low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 7300 kVA
  • Cabulig, hydroelectric power station, 2012 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 5800 kVA
  • Umiray, hydroelectric power station, 2012 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 1000 kVA
  • San Luis, hydroelectric power station, 2010 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 450 kVA
  • Sevilla, hydroelectric power station, 2008 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1660 kVA


  • Otmuchow, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Project documentation and delivery of digital turbines governor for hydro power plant with rated power of 2 x 4000 kVA
  • Laczany, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 1500 kVA
  • Zawada, hydroelectric power station, 2006 - Delivery of the control system hydro power plant for an output of 2 × 630 kW
  • Krapkowice, hydroelectric power station, 2006 - Delivery of the control system hydro power plant for an output of 2 × 630 kW
  • Rakowice, hydroelectric power station, 2005 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 1200 kVA
  • Krepna, hydroelectric power station, 2004 - Delivery of the control system hydro power plant for an output of 2 × 630 kW
  • Zielisko, hydroelectric power station, 2003 - Design and delivery of a control system for an output of 1 × 800 kVA
  • Kosciuszko, hydroelectric power station, 2003 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 3 × 1200 kVA
  • Zielisko, hydroelectric power station, 2002 - Design and delivery of a control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 550 kVA and 1 × 520 kVA


  • Rumjakovski, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system for an output of 1 × 790 kVA


  • Dubová, hydroelectric power station, 2015 - Design and delivery of digital turbine governor for an output of 1 x 1210 kVA
  • Čierný Váh, hydroelectric pumped-storage power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for unit No. 5 and unit No. 6, unit output 124 MVA
  • Ružín, hydroelectric pumped-storage power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for unit No. 1, unit output 35 MVA
  • Nosice, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for unit No. 3, unit output 30 MVA
  • Trenčín, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for unit No. 2, unit output 11.5 MVA
  • Kráľová, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the digital turbine governor for unit No. 1 and unit No. 2, unit output 26 MVA
  • Lipovec, hydroelectric power station, 2012 - Design and delivery of the control system for an output of 1 × 16 MVA
  • Stará Ľubovňa, hydroelectric power station, 2012 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 280 kVA
  • Hronská Dúbrava, hydroelectric power station, 2012 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 3 × 800 kVA


  • Yamanli II TG3, TG4, hydroelectric power station, 2021 - Design and delivery of hydraulic and digital turbine governor for an output of 2 x 11 MW
  • Yamanli TG1, TG5, hydroelectric power station, 2020 - Design and delivery of hydraulic and digital turbine governor for an output of 1 x 24 MW and 1 x 13 MW
  • Dogancay TG1, TG2, hydroelectric power station, 2020 - Design and delivery of hydraulic and digital turbine governor for an output of 2 x 31 MW
  • Kavsakbendi 1, hydroelectric power station, 2014 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 6600 kVA
  • Ortacag, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the control system for an output of 1 × 15 MVA
  • Sarigüzel 1, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the control and protection system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 4400 kVA
  • Kandil 1, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the control system, complete low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 1 × 5600 kVA
  • Arakli 4, hydroelectric power station, 2013 - Design and delivery of the control system for an output of 2 × 5700 kVA
  • Kayalik, hydroelectric power station, 2009 - Design and delivery of the control system and complete low-voltage electrical equipment for an output of 2 × 3500 kVA